If you run, bike, tri, hike, or hit the gym a few days per week,

I consider you an athlete.

An everyday athlete perhaps, but an athlete nonetheless. You put time into your physical health and you make daily choices that support your well being. Your workouts are a priority, whether you're training for an A Race or the game of life, but you know that workouts are only part of the big picture. Nutrition, sleep, and a supportive social network can either make or break your efforts of being the best version of yourself.

Are you doing all of the little things to ensure your success?

I believe that doing the little things, and doing them well, comes a whole lot easier when you seek the support of professionals, and if a massage therapist isn't among the professionals you have on your support team, you could be missing out. When it comes to your athletic endeavors, one of the little things that can make a BIG difference is incorporating massage into your training and recovery plan. Besides improving range of motion, reducing muscle soreness, and increasing circulation, massage plays a critical role in an athlete's ability to recover. Recovery isn't just a sexy buzzword, it is the foundation upon which gains in fitness are made. Massage decreases the stress hormone cortisol. It also increases serotonin and dopamine, which affect mood, sleep, and motivation. Massage strengthens immune function by increasing the number of disease-fighting white blood cells. During recovery, your body rebuilds and adapts to the pounding you put on it day in and day out, and without it, chances of either making it to the start line or keeping up with your hectic life are slim.

Health always comes before fitness. Always.

It has to. You can't be your best self if you're sick, injured, or just plain burned out. Building recovery into your fitness regimen will allow you to progress rather than take one step forward, then one step back. You can wait until you have a niggle that won't go away, but you don't have to.

I believe that all athletes, from super elites to group exercise

class junkies, can benefit from massage, and that pre-hab is

infinitely better than re-hab.

Massage isn't a luxury reserved for the select few, it is an integral part of the training plan of anyone serious about their health. Let's work together to get you healthy and keep you healthy, so you can accomplish your goals.